Unlock Your Corporate-Preneur Potential

Join the Collective That Empowers Corporate Professionals to Launch & Grow their Businesses, even with Busy Full Time Careers

What You Get as a Member

Are you balancing a corporate career with a passion project or side business, but have been struggling because you’re building in a silo?

Does it feel like you have no one in your circle to talk to, brainstorm with or just complain to … someone who truly just gets it?

The Corporate-preneur Business Collective is here to help you launch, grow and scale your side business, without you having to go crazy in your own bubble.

This membership offers everything you need to succeed—monthly calls, a supportive Slack community, and actionable strategies to grow your business.

  • Monthly Group Calls: Join live sessions where we dive deep into business strategies, problem-solving, and growth tactics… and just vent as needed … Think of this as your Business Therapy session

  • 24/7 Slack Community: Connect with like-minded corporate-preneurs, share insights, and get support anytime you need it.

  • Exclusive Resources: Access member-only materials designed to accelerate your business growth.

Hey! I’m Tomide

My journey as a corporate-preneur began back in [Year], when I started running a non-profit while working as a management consultant at Accenture. I found it incredibly fulfilling to pursue something I was passionate about alongside my corporate career.

Since then, I’ve transitioned into running both a product-based business and a service business, all while continuing my career in the tech industry at companies like Twitter and Meta. But it wasn’t always easy—I struggled with getting organized, managing my time, and figuring out how to scale my side projects effectively.

It took a lot of trial and error, seeking advice, and learning from others who had been in my shoes. Over time, I developed strategies that helped me balance my corporate career with my entrepreneurial pursuits, and that’s what inspired me to create the Corporate-preneur Business Collective.

I started this collective to help others who, like me, want to do more with their lives than just work a 9-to-5. I believe that with the right support and resources, anyone can turn their side hustle into something meaningful and successful. You’re not alone in this journey—there’s a whole community of us out there.

See you inside the Corporate-preneur Business Collective!

The collective is for you if:

  • You’re thinking about starting a business and want to be surrounded by others who are on the same path.

  • You’re balancing a corporate career while pursuing a passion project or side business, and need support managing the challenges that come with that—like finding time out of no-time to do ‘all the things.’

  • You feel isolated in your entrepreneurial journey and crave a community of like-minded individuals to share ideas, support, and encouragement.

  • You’re ready to scale your side hustle into something more substantial but need guidance on how to grow effectively.

  • You’re looking for actionable strategies, expert advice, and consistent accountability to help you achieve your business goals.

  • You value collaboration and are open to both giving and receiving feedback in a supportive, growth-focused environment.

Why the Corporate-Preneur Business Collective?

How it Works

Step 1: Secure Your Spot
Secure your spot in the Corporate-preneur Business Collective by completing your payment. Once your payment is processed, you’ll gain immediate access to all membership benefits.

Step 2: Connect with the Community
After payment, you’ll receive an invitation to our Slack community where you can start connecting with other corporate-preneurs right away.

Step 3: Participate in Monthly Calls
Join our monthly group calls to dive deep into business strategies, share challenges, and learn from experts and peers alike.

Step 4: Grow Your Business
Leverage the collective’s resources, community support, and expert advice to turn your side hustle into a thriving business.


$80 $50


  • Monthly Group Support Calls

  • 24/7 Slack Community Access

  • Exclusive Resources and Tools

$210 $135


  • Monthly Group Support Calls

  • 24/7 Slack Community Access

  • Exclusive Resources and Tools


  • The Corporate-preneur Business Collective is a membership community designed for professionals who are balancing a corporate career with a side business or passion project. We offer monthly group calls, access to a supportive Slack community, and actionable strategies to help you grow your business.

  • This collective is for corporate professionals who are actively working on a side business or passion project and are seeking support, community, and guidance to scale their efforts. If you’re feeling isolated in your journey or looking for a network of like-minded individuals, this is the place for you.

  • Our monthly calls are designed to address common challenges corporate-preneurs face, such as time management, scaling strategies, and balancing work and business life. We'll also address issues specific to your business and pull from the experience of the community to help you problem solve. Each session includes expert advice, interactive discussions, and opportunities to get feedback on your specific business issues.

  • The Slack community is an always-on platform where members can connect, share ideas, ask questions, and offer support to one another. It’s a space for real-time collaboration, networking, and peer learning, all within a community that understands the unique challenges of being a corporate-preneur.

  • The time commitment is flexible to accommodate your busy schedule. We recommend attending the monthly calls and staying active in the Slack community, but you can participate at a level that works best for you.

  • Yes, you can cancel your membership at any time. We want you to feel comfortable and confident in your decision to be part of the collective, so there are no long-term commitments.

  • Whether you’re just getting started or looking to scale, the Corporate-preneur Business Collective is designed to meet you where you are. Our resources and community support are valuable at any stage of your entrepreneurial journey.

  • Our members run a diverse range of businesses, from e-commerce and consulting to creative services and non-profits. The common thread is that all members are corporate professionals who are passionate about their side businesses and eager to grow.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Join the Corporate-pPreneur Business Collective and Start Building the Business of Your Dreams in Community